It has become standard to check the stock market, book a flight, and find a restaurant using our phones…but to review building permits? Starting today, Mayor Bloomberg of New York announced the Quick Response code that will allow New Yorkers to simply scan the bar code located on construction permits to access information about a specific building or construction site. The information given will share the “approved scope of work, identities of the property owner and job applicant, other approved projects associated with the permit, complaints and violations related to the location,” explained the Mayor in a press release.
What do you think of this new feature? More about the latest app after the break.
As Lora Kolodny shared for TechCrunch, since the code is linked to the mobile version of the Department of Buildings Information System, passersby can see the of the progress of the project as well as register a complaint about noise, safety or other concerns via 311. By 2013, all permits in the city will have such codes.
“We are providing New Yorkers with the tools they need to learn about any construction project – in seconds,” said Commissioner LiMandri. “Construction is vital to the growth of this city, but when that work impacts our quality of life, residents should be able to quickly learn who is responsible and what work has been approved. By scanning a QR code on a permit, New Yorkers can easily learn important details about construction work in their neighborhood and if that work is safe and lawful. I encourage all New Yorkers to download a QR app and scan a permit today.”